Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mondrian Cake

Well as a junior in high school, May has been kinda hectic. Just finished taking my SAT and this week I have all 3 of my AP Tests. Ek. That being said, I need to study my modern artists for my AP Art History class. So a couple of weeks ago, I made a Mondrian cake!

Piet Mondrian is a part of the Neo-Cubism movement. By reducing his artwork to primary colors, black and white, Mondrian believe his artwork represented the purest beauty. He is also part of the Neo-Plasticism moment. Typically, most people look at his paintings, which have sleek straight lines, and basic squares, and think, how is this art? Most of you will probably have seen his work before.

So since I had to miss a week of school for a program in Louisiana in addition to missing my Modernist Project, which was 3 days long, I decided to bake an artful cake! When I was looking online, I saw the Mondrian Cake and feel in love with the concept.

It's actually a cake from the Blue Bottle Coffee Cafe on top of the San Francisco MOMA. Not only do I live in the Bay Area, but I also love Blue Bottle mochas! It's sad that I didn't visit the MOMA before the remodeling started. Now I have to wait another year to see it :( But if you are ever in SF, go to the Ferry Building along the Embarcadero and get some coffee!

Now I did some shortcuts. I bought pound cake mix and got store bought frosting.

So the way the cake is constructed in a nutshell:
1. make the pound cake by splitting up the batter and dying it with different colors

2.  level the cakes off and cut the strips (make sure when you put your cake together, it comes out as a   square!

3. ganache the pieces (or frost it like I did)
4. construct it!

But it actually turned out very well!!!! Mine is not as precise as Mondrian would of liked, but it works! Note to make: the bigger the sections, the more stable the cake is. It leaned but my class and teacher LOVED IT!!! Who knew art could be tasty?

Please Leave comments if you have any suggestions on how to improve the recipe!

Till Next Time!

For the true recipe, buy the book Modern Art Deserts:

If you don't want to buy the book I took the recipe from this blog:

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